If Only You Knew: Jerry’s World, The Story of Jerry Braun

If only you knew that Jerry Braun played in the third game of paintball ever in 1982.

If only you knew Jerry’s paintball field is the longest running game site in the world, now in its 40th year.

If only you knew the number of times Jerry defended paintball on national television in the early 1980s; or that he was sometimes called the lawyer for the paintball industry;

Or that he once promised a $50,000 prize package for one of his events and he delivered the cash even though the event only drew 15 teams.

If only you knew he birthed the World Cup, which is still the longest running paintball event of its kind at 32 years and counting.

If only you knew Jerry Braun founded and owned one of the top pro teams of its day; or that he once had his own paintball gun line; or that it was he that got pro paintball onto Disney property;

If only you knew that the first national cable television broadcast of a paintball event was Jerry’s idea; or that he owned a major paintball magazine for 20-plus years; or that at 80 years old he still goes to the paintball field almost every weekend.

And what about this… If only you knew that Jerry was a civil rights leader in the 1960s and he actually participated in the famous March on Edmund Pettis Bridge with Martin Luther King?

If only you knew how one man could do so much in one lifetime, how would it change your perspective?

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If Only You Knew: Simon Says, The Story of Simon Stevens

Simon Stevens played his first game of paintball in 1991. He’s worked for industry giants National Paintball Supply and KEE Action Sports and is now the owner of Inception Designs. If you play paintball, chances are you shoot, wear or play with a product Simon has designed. This is his amazing story… from his time as a Rover Group engineer to paintball product designer. Enjoy!

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Jeremy Salm/Avalanche Sniper Incident (One Hour)

The culture of cheating in pro paintball is as old as the game itself. On October 25, 2002, Jeremy Salm walked into the woods adjacent to the National Paintball Supply field at the NPPL World Cup, wearing all black, carrying a black Matrix marker… and shot members of Avalanche’s opposing team, Ground Zero Gold from out of bounds.

What was the motivation? Who was involved?  Who Knew?

This 75 minute documentary tells the story… every last detail. Finally after almost 19 years the real story is told.

The film features Jeremy Salm and more than a dozen witnesses/participants.

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The Complete History Of Paintball (3 Hours)

Negative public perception of the game in the 1980s nearly caused its early demise. Since the first game ever played on June 27, 1981, nearly a half billion people have played paintball! This is the story of those that created the game, preserved it and built its gear, playing fields, international presence, tournament circuits, scenario games, teams, media and its long lasting culture. This Is THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF PAINTBALL

All contents copyright PBMedia! Use is not permitted without expressed written Permission.

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These Kids Can Ball

These Kids Can Ball, An Original Paintball.Media Production.

Watch it here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-lkpfpQLfA

Watch it here on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/803385351

Imagine if 25 years ago there was a national-level paintball event with a youth division that included players like Ollie Lang, Alex Fraige, Ryan Greenspan, Nicky Cuba, Tyler Harmon and the rest of the best youth paintball players in the US. Now imagine that every aspect of this event, from the pre-event scrimmages to packing for the Cup, to the flights, to sit-down interviews with the players… and every game was captured for a full-length documentary film. How valuable would this be to watch today?

This past November, 24 youth paintball teams from all over the US gathered in Kissimmee, Florida to compete in their own Youth Division of the NXL World Cup. This is the first time a youth event like this has ever happened at a major pro/am tournament. And we covered every inch of it…before, during and after for this full-length documentary film.

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TM40: Life To The Full. The Story of Tim Montressor (One Hour)

Once in a generation if we’re lucky, someone comes along and reminds us all why we love this game.  And why we love life.  Once in a generation… if we’re lucky.  This is the story of Tim Montressor. Professional paintball player, ambassador to the game we all love, visionary… and friend to so many.  This is the story of a life lived to the full.

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