Backyard Olympics – The Inspiration For The First Ever Survival Game

Beginning in the mid-1970s and for about a decade Charles Gaines, one of the founders of the game of paintball (then called Survival), used to run what he called “The Backyard Olympics” almost every Saturday each summer. Gaines’ family, friends, and their families and friends would compete in about a dozen “sports.” About 6 years into the Backyard Olympics Gaines, Bob Gurnsey and Hayes Noel created the famous first survival Game that was played on June 27, 1981 in Henniker NH.

Beginning in the mid-1970s and for about a decade Charles Gaines, one of the founders of the game of paintball (then called Survival), used to run what he called “The Backyard Olympics” almost every Saturday each summer. Gaines’ family, friends, and their families and friends would compete in about a dozen “sports.” About 6 years into the Backyard Olympics Gaines, Bob Gurnsey and Hayes Noel created the famous first survival Game that was played on June 27, 1981 in Henniker NH.


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